Hey Guys,
So i just bought the game since i remember the game from GMod and YouTubers playing it.
Also i found out that people are able to Transfer Units from the old Gmod Tower to Tower Unite so i checked that out.
So well, seems like i need at least 9 hours of playtime on GMTower to be eligibile for Unit transfer. And i have 8. Kappa
I think it cant hurt anyone if i ask if i still could get that Transfer.
It would be very nice, but if it wont work, its okay.
Just asking
You can only transfer items from GMT to Tower Unite if you had played GMT for at least 9 hours.
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How about those unfortunate souls who have played 9 hours exactly? I know I haven’t many credits or items to transfer, but if it’s not too big an ask I’d like to know if I could get them transferred, or who to ask to know whether or not I may.
I miss my fox plushy
Items won’t be transferred, they only get converted to Units in Tower Unite. If the playtime was less than 9 hours in GMT there’s not much you can do to get those units.
Is there nothing that can be done if I’ve played 9 hours exactly though? 9 hours is at least 9 hours and isn’t less than 9 hours.