Metal Detector

I love using the metal detector but it only being useful for Treasure from Sea is a bit disappointing. What if it worked for the other collection events? Like easter egg hunt and present hunt?

A very old plan, was to make it so it can ‘always’ detect treasure in some capacity on beaches.
Treasure of the Sea would be an event that would amplify the amount of treasure at any time.

Personally, I think a good way forward would be to have a max of three treasures out at any given time on any of the beaches in plaza. And after collecting one, it just chooses a new location to respawn.

Additionally treasure found without the event would appear as a unit bag instead of a chest.
And the loot table would now include ‘Trash’ which is usually found from fishing.

That way there’s always something to find, but Treasure of the Sea would be an amplified faster way of getting the sought after items.


I’ve thought this for a while now. Treasure from the Sea should spawn the valuable items, whereas any other time it’s just trash items and occasional treasures just to let prop hunters get what they need faster.


I think both of your ideas are great xmark and smold but I meant for like the holiday/anniversary events. Like catsack hunt. Theyre very small and theres quite a bit of them I never find them all. If the metal detector showed where they were I think thatd be neat.