Message I hope gets forward

Hello I have a friend who stopped playing TU because she didn’t feel safe there was always people acting bad towards her in general, but most of it was in gameworlds where action can’t be taken because that isn’t moderated but it feels sad hearing / seeing what happens I don’t think it should be that way if you are a player who harass people or are being toxic / rude please stop nothing gets better there is other people than you with feelings you are not worthy as a human harassing someone online just because the person doesn’t matter to you doesn’t mean the person doesn’t matter to someone else. I hope people stop so TU isn’t downgraded by these people it makes the nice people not exist when all you hear / see is bad people

Regards - Blue Wolf


Sorry to hear that. Hope your friend is feeling better.

I’d recommend blocking and muting people the second you hear they say disrespectful stuff.