[Map Bug Megathread] Virus: Corrosion

Hey everyone, this is a a thread for all bugs related to Virus: Corrosion.

It would be great if people could explain where an issue lies, with a screenshot or video, and we’ll try and get round to fixing them when we can. Once we have fixed an issue or believed to have fixed an issue, I will delete the post made by the user just so the thread doesn’t get too crowded. If the issue still remains and hasn’t quite been fixed properly, please post it again.

Thanks everyone!

Corrosion doesn’t have a dedicated thread yet so I’m posting this as a regular Bug Report–

The fan blade hub doesn’t have any texture and is just using the funny noisey checkerboard texture.



With the Sonic Shotgun, it’s possible to get Infected players sandwiched between props or blasted out of the map.

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