[Map Bug Megathread] Virus: Catzek Temple

Hey everyone, this is a a thread for all bugs related to Virus: Catzek Temple.

It would be great if people could explain where an issue lies, with a screenshot or video, and we’ll try and get round to fixing them when we can. Once we have fixed an issue or believed to have fixed an issue, I will delete the post made by the user just so the thread doesn’t get too crowded. If the issue still remains and hasn’t quite been fixed properly, please post it again.

Thanks everyone!

Steps to Reproduce

An area in Catzec Temple where you can get stuck by dropping into these box.

What I expected to happen

To not get stuck.

What happened

I got stuck where I can’t get out.

Notes / Media


2nd area I found where you can also get stuck.


These should be fixed in the next update.

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In addition to those, there’s a potential camping spot here

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Also another camping spot if you run with adrenaline from here:

You can camp on this place:

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There are spots the survivors can reach with adrenaline that only an enraged zombie can. Shoutouts to V!per_Oni for help getting the screenshots and figuring out the buggy jump pads.

Steps to Reproduce

For the log spot, all a survivor needs to do is use adrenaline then run off of the platform to “jump” across. If the zombie is not enraged, it’s game over. For the jump pad, it’s inconsistent but V!per says it’s hitting the jump pads from the air while sped up.

Notes / Media

ive gotten stuck on multiple spots including the roof of the temple via jump pad

You can get caught on the big log ramp if you hug the left side going up. ignore the last 2 seconds of the video please : )


Friends and I found a pretty easy way to take the game hostage.
Sonic shotgun’s alt-fire can be used on a zombie flying using the vents and the knockback will push them out of bounds. Video shows this in action.
catzek bug


Found three more questionable areas

These two can be reached with the jump pad in the first pic

You can also get stuck somehow in a area next to the trunk that takes you all the way up to the temple

These are fixed in the next update.


What happens:
When using jump pad on new map, you can get into some particularly unfair spots that you normally couldn’t get into such as roofs and in between logs, safe from zombies.

How to reproduce:
I’m not entirely sure how consistent this is, but it happens every 1/6 I barely graze a jump pad.

What I expected:
To be launched to the designated area that I was supposed to land.

What happened:
I was unable to be infected due to my unfair position(s).

A very fun map!

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Camping spot here

Can’t get to the player as an infected at all


When joining a Virus game, it’s possible to fall through the map. Screenshot is from Catzek.

The launch pad surrounding the tents tends to launch players incorrectly if approached from roughly this angle:

You can exploit this to get on top of one of the tents.

The launch pad near the crashed plane and in front of the temple will bump you into a the cliff with the up arrow painted on it if you approach it from roughly this angle:

You can use this to stand (or get stuck) on the same cliff that you get bumped into.

One of the launch pads can launch you incorrectly and get you stuck on this crate near the catwalks facing the area with the tents.

Also I experienced a long delay before respawning one time, which I think indicates that one of the spawn points in the map is obstructed/otherwise not working.


Got stuck in two areas. Not sure if they’ve been reported above (some media doesn’t load and it’s hard to determine) so I’ll post these clips in case it helps:

Here, I hit a launch pad and walked in a certain direction to change my trajectory - I ended up sliding off the corner of the central area and falling into an area zombies can’t reach.

In this clip, someone used a weapon to repel me away. I seem to hit the map’s boundaries, walk forward and fall to a secluded part of the map.