[Map Bug Megathread] SDNL: Frostbite

Hey everyone, this is a thread for all bugs related to SDNL: Frostbite.

It would be great if people could explain where an issue lies, with a screenshot or video, and we’ll try and get round to fixing them when we can. Once we have fixed an issue or believed to have fixed an issue, I will delete the post made by the user just so the thread doesn’t get too crowded. If the issue still remains and hasn’t quite been fixed properly, please post it again.

Thanks everyone!

idk if these have been reported yet or not, can i get uhhh map megathreads for SDNL

Missing texture in Frostbite water

default lookin’ texture

Dirt stone whatever texture stretched downwards in underground

Scuffed collision on snow ice hill thing

Z-fighting pipes

These pipes z-fight ‘n’ flicker

Funny CSGO case thing screen hole moving when shot repeatedly

Before shooting:

After shooting:
After shooting again:
Twice more:
Last one:

This does not appear for clients, only seems to happen as host.

Can pull box from under case

it floatin’

Ice on lava ice thing pools has no collison

Happens on all four instances of this uhh stuff that I saw, the one pictured here is the deepest.

Flag collision

You can stand on the flag and also bonk into it.

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Solar panels: don’t have collision on the actual solar panel part, only on the metal frame supporting them

Ice pools: don’t have collision on the ice part, only with the blue “lava” texture below.
Assuming it’s a bug because pickups are placed on top of the ice, and you get caught on the rocks when trying to exit a pool in some areas.

Neither of these issues allow the player to get out of bounds from what I understand, they only allow the player to see out of bounds.

Rock Out of Bounds:
Looking at the rocks:

Looking away from the rocks (for showing where this is):

Underground Rock Out of Bounds (barely even noticeable):

There’s a couple large seams in the basement area that are mostly hidden by this shipping container. There’s also a couple small seams on the top of the container model (ammo crate can be seen through it in this image)

You can get caught on this bit of scaffolding:

Two walls under the center tower, either side of the arch way into the tunnel have no collision. One of these walls lets you fall out of the map into the void, you also do not die in the void.

:warning: Important: Please include the version number of the game in the title! (for example: [] Broken Feature).
The latest version is []

Summary of bug here.

Steps to Reproduce

Try to move behind the barrels and crouch over the crates.

What I expected to happen

To not be able to passthrough.

What happened

The issue the bug caused.

Notes / Media

:warning: Important: Please include the version number of the game in the title! (for example: [] Broken Feature).
The latest version is []

Summary of bug here.

Steps to Reproduce

Jump into the minecart.

What I expected to happen

To be able to jump out.

What happened

The issue the bug caused.

Notes / Media