[Map Bug Megathread] Minigolf: Nostalgia

Hey everyone, this is a a thread for all bugs related to Minigolf: Nostalgia.

It would be great if people could explain where an issue lies, with a screenshot or video, and we’ll try and get round to fixing them when we can. Once we have fixed an issue or believed to have fixed an issue, I will delete the post made by the user just so the thread doesn’t get too crowded. If the issue still remains and hasn’t quite been fixed properly, please post it again.

Thanks everyone!

So, the issue technically resolved itself after like 2 minutes, but the geometry on Hole 13 seems a little wacky and it caused me to time out after constantly spinning in the hole before the pipe. This is a splice of 3 clips so it’s not the exact timeframe but is relatively close and shows the issue.

Also my friend playing with me got Nostalgia Mastered even though they were 1 above par for the course?

And her achievements for comparison: Steam Community :: Tower Unite :: MoonbowPlushie


Pretty sure I’m not supposed to be below the map on hole 17

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Similar thing happened with the reply above. In my case, this was hole 15.

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On hole 15 you can use one of the speed pads to get out the map but you dont get an out of bounds message

Steps to Reproduce

On the third (I think) boost pad on hole 15, if you hit it from the side with a decent amount of power you’ll get sent out the map and will be stuck

What happened

Couldnt finish that hole without letting the time run out

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You can also get stuck out of bounds on Hole 18.

There’s a similar large area on the wooden floor under the start of Hole 8 that isn’t counted as out of bounds. I didn’t get stuck there but it’s possible that someone could.

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You can slip between the speedups on hole 1, not sure if intentional… but feels out of your control when it happens.

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You can get stuck on the ridges of holes in the funnels on multiple holes.
This happens on other map rarely, but seems to be frequent here.

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OOB/Softlock on Hole 9 “Into The Computer”, this can happen if the ball does not have the momentum needed to hit the speed booster on the ramp up to the CRT

The Windmill and the RC Buggy become desynced for clients in a multiplayer game

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As well as moving objects in every other map.

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Nitpicky, but the pole is not centered in the hole, I use the poles to aim a lot :slight_smile:

Yes, because Suki’s paw makes me want to rage sometimes

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nostalgia bug 1

I was trying to get a hio on hole 12 but this is what happened, there’s so much bugs like this in this map.

hole 9

Another bug, cant shoot.

had this one too once, can’t shoot :frowning:


On the new Nostalgia minigolf map hole 4, there is an issue with out of bounds. When attempting to hit the mushroom plush to bounce towards the hole, “OUT OF BOUNDS +1 STROKE” initiates before you hit the plush.

It is very easy to reproduce. Attempt to shoot at the mushroom on the left, “E” in stroke power, and before you hit the mushroom you will be out of bounds. Or attempt to hit the wall behind the mushroom and bounce back to it.

I expected the ball to hit the mushroom and bounce towards the hole.

Before hitting the mushroom, whether bouncing off the wall behind the mushroom or going “E” in stroke power directly at the mushroom, you will get reset. I believe this can be fixed by increasing the time that you can roll on the floor before getting reset for this specific hole/area. Thank you for reading

Notes / Media

Other misc. notes about the bug. Picture or videos are appreciated!

I got stuck at this location. Going through the bank of the course causes the ball to fall into the void. Going through the nubs of the block launches it up. I think this area should be considered out of bounds.

Hole 8, occasionally you don’t make it up the cardboard ramp~

I am shocked this one wasn’t reported already, I thought I saw it reported already… must’ve been the hole 9 one.

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Hole 15 seems to always be a gamble (maybe it’s by design) it’s not difficult to get, but it is frustrating for players who go for score to have a coin flip half way through.
Even with the exact same aim skipping the moving object at the start the results vary quite a bit.

As mentioned, this may be by design… however here’s various examples~

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