[Map Bug Megathread] Ball Race: Heavenscape

Hey everyone, this is a thread for all bugs related to Ball Race: Heavenscape.

It would be great if people could explain where an issue lies, with a screenshot or video, and we’ll try and get round to fixing them when we can. Once we have fixed an issue or believed to have fixed an issue, I will delete the post made by the user just so the thread doesn’t get too crowded. If the issue still remains and hasn’t quite been fixed properly, please post it again.

Thanks everyone!

This brick at the bottom of the first slope in level 1 of Heavenscape has no collision, even though it looks like it should have yes collision.


I looked through the patch notes to make sure it wasn’t listed anywhere so as far as I know this is a bug, but Heavenscape’s music is sped up in the current version of the game ( Hoping this is not an intentional change, it completely ruins the atmosphere of the map.

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