MAP - Ball Race: Event Horizon

For this map and Ball race specifically, I honestly just make it up as I go. Don’t really plan it. I think of a themeing idea and just go with it. :grimacing: Ill play the levels and see how they work, and if I don’t like it ill delete that level and retry.

I started Event Horizon last week (under a different name at first) but only came up with the idea of doing Black Holes a couple days ago, so I changed a couple of things to make it work. I can change my mind on things quite drastically. GLXY originally was called Ink and had a completely different art style before I changed it nearer to the end of its development.

Other Gameworlds I tend to block out what I want and build the art on top of that design, I dont tend to draw out stuff much, and if I do its usually very rough and I end up doing something drastically different anyway. Khromidro when I was working on it in GMod Tower is probably the last major thing I did a lot of drawings for.


As Ev said, why does it matter? It’s not like Pixeltail can control what comes up in Google. It’s also not their fault that a movie took it’s name from a common scientific term. I agree with Ev. I don’t see the big deal here.

The fact is, I just don’t think there’s a huge clamoring from the player base for a new LC map right now. I also think that for the time being, we have more than enough minigolf maps. I’ll finish those eventually, but they’re not high priority right now. Village will definitely be finished way before either of the other two.

And yeah, I am busy with lobby 3 right now. And I think that’s where most players would prefer I spend my time right now anyway.


Damn, autocorrect hates my name </3

Do you ever start with a concept for an obstacle like Memories’ pull/retract poles or Nimbus’ hammers? I personally really enjoy when maps have theming in terms of gameplay like those and it’s something I personally feel is a little missing in more recent maps, and would love to see more.
Also, Ink was always an interesting concept for a map that I could see a lot of clever ideas from. Maybe if the skybox was all one color like GMT’s Memories, and part of it was figuring out where solid ground was through only splotches of ink/paint, etc.
… A bit of a tangent, sorry.

Im so excited for this new map, i can already see it’s gonna be my favorite

I hadn’t really done it recently (or really ever with my maps), but I have done that with Event Horizon at least as I noticed myself there wasn’t really any consistent mechanics throughout more recent BR maps , so I thought id give it a try.

Ink when I was creating it really was similar to memories, but with each level being a different colour to differentiate them. I may return to that style at some point with some changes to make it more interesting.

EDIT: You know these sentences read terribly I think I should sleep


Lol. I only just noticed that. To be fair, I wrote Ev, so apparently autocorrect just sorta finished the word for me.



this map looks so sick, i love space stuff

Last time I checked, Tower Unite tried to be somewhat family friendly. Trying to google a ballrace game and immediately seeing a cut up face is counterproductive to that.

But it was their choice to then use that name for a new thing they make.

I’m not saying it is a big deal, I’m just not sure if the decisions made were the best that could have been. But that’s just my two cent. Originally I said I hope it will not be a problem so I’ll be happy to agree with you guys in the long run. The movie isn’t the newest, best case scenario the gore on Google gets replaced with TU screenshots.

I mean, the devs are okay with NSFW stuff being in peoples’ condos and Zombie Massacre has blood everywhere, so I don’t see any issue with a couple images of a guy in a movie with a cut up face when you search up Event Horizon on google.


condos aren’t moderated so they kinda have to be “okay with NSFW stuff” unless they want to remove canvas support entirely

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That’s to be expected with that title. But good point.

Im not changing it regardless, just saying.


Uh…….have you even play Zombie Massacre or Virus? Not to mention all the porn in condos. Tower Unite isn’t all that family friendly. Hell, if it got rated by the ESRB, it certainly would be M (or maybe a heavy T) for just Zombie Massacre and Virus alone. And SDNL and Panic at Horror Hill both definitely have the potential to also be pretty gory. And since Chainsaw Battle will be making a return, that’s also fairly gory (maybe even more so, now that we’re in Unreal).

There’s really no reason to. It’s catchy and fits the map theme perfectly.


Uh…….have you scrolled up?

Can’t believe a simple “If you google that you might see inappropriate stuff, hope that’s not going to be a problem” blew up like that.

Alright calm down pal.


They’re friendly chainsaws