Lock Redeemable items

I looked it up, and this has gotten suggested before, but the topic died without any replies and so it didn’t get much attention when this could be a very useful feature.

When we lock a redeemable item in our condo, make it so that it cant be redeemed while locked so we don’t accidentally redeem something valuable we want as decorations


Was just thinking this yesterday. I hadn’t really used any redeemable stuff as decor until then, so I was surprised that locking it didn’t prevent the prompt to redeem it. Definitely a great idea.

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Yes please

it makes me feel scarce that i might redeem my items by accident

I really wish we get this. I have lost so many items accidentally clicking E on them.

Just bumping to say this is part of https://trello.com/c/j4rVNvNZ/393-update-0651