Light Volume

A volume that emits an ambient light within the volume. No shadows obviously since there is no source for the light (Maybe a toggleable directional setting?). Its purpose is purely just to set the ambient lighting within a given volume, potentially also with a setting to override the natural ambient lighting in a condo so one could even use the light volume to make an area pitch black dark.

Also the light volume would have a toggle on whether or not to allow lighting from other sources to exist within the light volume, such a lamp inside/nearby the light volume adding onto the light volume’s ambient lighting.

This would be especially helpful in square shaped rooms where we don’t want our lights to bleed into other rooms, but still want an entire room lit up without having to enable shadows- which often doesn’t do the job anyways.

This would be really good for performance as well as rendering ambient lighting for rooms- which I imagine a lot of people would take advantage of in order to fill a room with a preferred lighting- is less intensive than rendering directional lighting. Condos already have ambient lighting as is, this just gives players control over that ambient lighting in a given area.

I made a suggestion similar to this a while back, macdguy responded saying that lights need to have a source, so this is technologically improbable, but the Post Processing IO should be able to have a similar effect.

As for light bleed through walls, it would be better remedied by improvements to lighting logic instead of an entirely new item, right now it mostly works correct so it’s probably not their most important issue to deal with.

Huh, well if that’s the case, then you could theoretically have a light volume, just that it requires a “source” point that the player could place (Akin to how we place a teleporter’s exit point)

And so the light being emitted from that source does not exceed the bounds of the light volume.

This would have its use cases too where someone might like the shading lights provide, but want to avoid bleeding since that will always happen if you’re trying to get lights to fill up a room, unless you get lucky with enabling shadows, but even if that’s the case, enabling shadows on lights you place is bad for performance