It’s really frustrating when you see that you got a good score in something, only for it to not have been counted on the leaderboard. The main game I experience this in is Avalanche, where the last cat hit won’t always count on the leaderboard, but will on the display on the machine.
Examples of scores not counting
1070 score, only 1040 counted (last 30pt cat didn’t register):
1070 score, only 1050 counted (last 20pt cat didn’t register):
So I suggest that after the time runs out, leave a little bit of overtime where you can’t throw any more, but points from balls already in play can be counted (I guess sorta like how bowling pins have some time to knock each other over before being cleared).
And if not this, could we at least have these points not show up on the cabinets themselves to prevent any possible confusion.