Item placing on itself while moving it to be toggle-able

Remember that glitch in Build_0.1.1.1 ?

Well that glitch was reaaaaaally helping me building my condo!
You could elevate a prop in the air without having to use another item.

You would just have to drag the item on its “green ghost”.

Therefore I suggest that old “feature” to be toggle-able. You would be able to choose if the item wants to collide itself while moving it or not.

Also, it would save on each items, so you would choose which objects has it on, or off.

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I miss the physgun from GMod sometimes. :expressionless:
There should be a way to transport your items/props anywhere like the physgun does (but the sky limit) for an easier building methods (props/items are always frozen while being untouched) if this is even possible in UE4.

For now, i’ll have to deal with 2 blocks of wood :wink:

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Yeah, I was a little sad that they fixed that.