It happened

raised by 1,368 people in 13 days
100%17 days left
$50,000 USD goal

Yes, it says 100%. Check the website. :wink:

Congrats guys, we (pretty much) did it! :fireworks::ferris_wheel::office::train2::fireworks:

1 Like

Someone already ninja’d you

Oh boi, didnt see that…

I need that like tongue sticking out and flipping off with both hands that’s how i feel @loiloiloi lol

It’s just a math error by Indiegogo. We still have a little over $100 to go :smile:

I know, this post was mostly a joke. Ill post when we actually reached the goal. :tada:

@MaskedKatz We reached the goal a few minutes ago.

Wonderful :smile:

Tower Unite was been official fully funded! :fireworks::ferris_wheel::office::train2::fireworks: (Sorry for the delay, fell asleep) :relieved:

'sploring is fun
I want fun