Indicator for when you can Infect

Playing as infected could be heavily improved. First up, I think you should be in first person all the time, and secondly, you should have an indicator on enemies that you are within infection range of. Here’s a little Mockup:

Too far Away:

Close enough to Infect:

Just a little idea, I find it kinda dumb having to flail my hands around randomly, hoping i get an infect.

This is a really epic mock-up and I agree with this suggestion.


I’m not sure about the first person perspective but an indicator would be a good addition.


Perhaps make it an Option?

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Yeah possibly, only reason i’m not sure is because playing as an infected has been 3rd person since gmod tower.

I’m not against the perspective change though, it would probably be fine.

maybe just highlight the player when you’re in infecting range? since you’ll be in third person, having them be highlighted would make it easier to know when you can attack

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