Increase sell limit

It’s very annoying that the sell limit is only 10. After doing years of seasonal events and treasures from the sea I end up having 200+ of some items that I want to sell. So here I am selling my 700 piles of units 10 at a time until this hopefully gets increased.

You can buy and sell in bulk on the tower express website


Cool, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s 10 in-game. If we can sell more on Tower Express, why can’t we have that same functionality in-game? Some people (myself included) don’t want to have to Alt-Tab out of the game, open the browser, go to the Tower Express website, and then log in to the website, when we’re already in-game with the inventory opened. It’d be a hell of a lot more convenient to just open my inventory and sell them that way. But that method isn’t particularly feasible right now, as pointed out in OP.

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i think it’s a limit wiht how steam’s inventory works or something

But…if it works on the Tower Express website (which is still selling stuff from the same inventory), how can it be a Steam Inventory limitation? If it was a limitation with Steam Inventory, it shouldn’t work on the website, either. Unless maybe the site has some sort of workaround. But, even then, why can’t that same workaround be put into the game?