Incorrect? Clarification on 2 questions


I wanted to mention two specific questions that to me were a little unclear/could use an update. Here they are:

  • ID 91 - What was the punishment for Sysiphus’s craftiness?
    • Spelling of Sysiphus to Sisyphus (At least I assume the question is asking about the Greek founder and king of Ephyra who cheated death - Sisyphus - Wikipedia)
    • I’d also like to ask for the question to be expanded a bit - When getting this randomly amongst all other questions it was difficult to pin down the category/info. If it can be prepended with “In Greek mythology…” or appended with “…craftiness in cheating death?” this may make the subject character a little easier to hone in on (A quick read on the mythology shows he got up to quite a bit of trouble…)
  • ID 1023 - What did the name of the Tor Anonymity Network orignially stand for?
    • Spelling of originally to originally.
    • Modify wording / phrasing - I get what the question is asking but it is kind of insinuating the phrase has a meaning/expanded name for the answer. Maybe this?: “What was the original name of the Tor Anonymity Network?” (This keeps the answer correct).

I’m working on an update with a project of mine so I may post a few additional issues/spelling fixes/etc. as I get through testing on my side. Just figured I’d give a suggestion on these two.

Thanks for reading!