I thought they were already doing air hockey

i thought they were already making air hockey… were they not working on this until they showed us this? because i remember i asked them if they would have air hockey a few weeks ago on twitch… i dont fully remember the answer but i think they said something on that they were gonna try to do it or something
but i dont remember exactly but either way this is cool

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You could make the argument that by being a gemstone (which is included in the $50k), that they were planning on doing it. The gemstone just confirms that it’ll come to fruition.

You can plan on lots of things but not have 'em work out.

kinda cool that with having these gemstones (even though we probably will get them anyways) is attracting more attention from people making them donate

Monorail and drums were already talked about aswell.

Gems are planned features that we are confirming they will happen.

We can talk all day about new features we want, but the gems confirm that they will be included because of the funds we raised.

With that said, there are a few gems that have never been talked about sitting around.

Hype Train is now en-route to Gem Station.

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I honestly love the devs for doing this. This is amazing.

Honestly the gems were a FANTASTIC idea. They’re building never-ending hype. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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