I need a help, microsoft visual c++ 2015 problem

i dont know if i’m on the correct section, but i just want to ask why does my tower unite keep telling me that my microsoft visual 2015 c++ 2015 is not running, even know i’ve installed it long time ago,

i’ve tried several things like uninstall and installing it again, restarting my comp, but no luck i still cant launch the game

i need some help please

thank you

I would definitely do some digging and make sure that you did indeed install it. I’m going to assume you’re running windows 7 because I can’t see your screenshots at all.

You can do this by going to the Control Panel and clicking “Uninstall a program”.


When the dialogue opens, you’re going to want to check to see if it’s even there in the list:


Make sure you got the correct one for your operating system. I’m running Windows 7 64-bit, so you can see the x64 there as well as the x86 for any games that run in only 32 bit.

If the wrong one is there, or if it’s not there at all, you can get it at this link:

Hopefully this helps, if you have any problems, reply to this thread.

thank you for answering my question but it seems i’ve uninstall and REINSTALL IT from the link that you gave me, nothing has changed for the last couple of hours and i still cant play the game until now, hope fully this problem can get resolved any time soon.


by the look of your version of your microsoft visual, the number ended up on 24210, meanwhile mine is ended on 23026, was that the problem that i’m having right now? because when i opened your link, the version is the same as what i have

Alright, so now that we got the obvious solution out of the way, you should check out this thread. Looks like they got it working.

Looks like part of the process is taking a nap though, so I’d have a large meal before you begin so that step can go a little smoother.

this is another level of problem

the installing process stuck on window7_msu_x86

if you installed microsoft visual after installing one, they will stopped and after that they give you a notice msg saying that there is another microsoft visual trying to install the same program, but when you cancel the installation when the process stuck on window7_msu_x86, it will be count as installed.

Ok right this will sound very silly and stupid of a response but I’ve had this problem and I’m going to 100% honest here that upgrading to Windows 10 fully fixed the problem as like you I had installed many correct versions of Microsoft Visual C++ and it still wasn’t working. I gave up and upgraded my computer and suddenly it started working.

what about windows 8?

Unsure since I went straight from Windows 7 to Windows 10

never mind, i used my own way to fix it, thanks tho for everyone that tried xD

Would you mind describing how you fixed it, so that if someone else has a similar problem they can fix it too?

it’s pretty dumb tho, it was the problem on my microsoft visual c++ 2015, when you install the program usually there is a text on top of the loading bar, but for me, the loading bar stucked on microsoft_msu_x64 without any notification saying that it’s failed, when i open the log menu, there was actually a file that if you tried to open it, it will say something like wusa.exe can only run once at a time. usually for my pc, wusa.exe will be operating on window updates randomly at the time you run the pc, which you cannot cancel it whatshowever, soo just restart you pc, and quickly install the microsoft visual c++ 2015, it should be fine if you install it correctly