May your grandma rest in piece.
Thank you. That means a lot to me.
The funeral is supposed to start soon. Me and my brother are waiting for everyone else to show up at the place
Noot fisting
Let me feel your @Cakemagic
how the fuck did you make that image 330 GB in size
Resize it to 100000000×100000000 pixels?
As of 10th of June 2016, TrappingGull discovered he has lost permission to embed images from URL due to a mental disease called “Hardcore Shitposting Disorder” or HSD in short.
Spread the wo- Well, for future posts; I’ll just put up URLS of the images that may redirect to…
also, it only applies to the discord you know.
ye got yer leg cutoff and we aint puttin’ it back for ye
get yerself a piece of wood and back to work
It’s not the same with just only a @Link