How will Gmt data transferred to Tu?

lol rip gmc

but seriously though, who cares if other people have money. Just don’t listen to them brag about wasting hundreds of hours of their lives in a virtual reality.


You can’t not listen when they use their mic.

If you want to have a fresh start, just don’t accept the transfer. It’s totally an optional thing.

Personally, if I spent several months or years putting effort into GMT, I’d want the ability to transfer over my efforts.


I’m sure there will be a player-mute feature, just as there was in GMT.

yarr matey I put nothing in because GMT never worked on any machine

Is it possible to transfer items/GMC but not awards?
For me I really like the feeling of getting an achievement, but I would like to keep my items and Units.

I don’t think anyone will be getting awards off the bat through the transfer system.

Also, you don’t get your items back, but you get their value in the form of Units so that you can just rebuy them/buy other stuff.

It only gives your Units if the item does not exist in TU. Otherwise it will be awarded immediately.

I’ll work on a way to make it pretty flexible. I will also post it here and have the community talk about it before it enters into the final game.

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At what point will the conversion occur? It’s been confirmed through emails and forum posts that the closed Alpha will be released on July 20th, and the game isn’t supposed to hit Steam Early Access until March-April of 2016, and full release isn’t even announced yet.

What does that mean if you not a vip or don’t have 100 hrs?

It’ll transfer regardless of the 100 hrs or VIP.

Steam Early Access release.

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So even hats?

For example, I have the crown hat which is worth 80,000 GMC or something.

Will I get the GMC back but in the new currency?

and hours? some people have like 3000 hours of xp in gmt and will they just lose that?

If they did not spend those hours getting GMC, then… yes.
No one cares if they spent a bunch of time sitting around doing nothing.

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well at least i can’t be jealous at misty and vixen’s hours now

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How will achievements transfer? Will only certain ones transfer, or will progress reset?

Is it possible to transfer all items completely from one account to the other? I have one account that has all of my gmod tower stuff and then another which has the tower unite beta.

Hey! Do I need to join the Gmod Tower server in order to be able to convert my data? I haven’t joined it in over 2 years, and I feel you might remove the old data because it seems unused.

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