How the arcade works?

I think this is how it works, right?
Units->time to play arcade games->arcade tickets-> arcade prizes.

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I believe that the Arcade is still being planned out. Nobody’s sure yet, or at least, we don’t know.

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i think thats how it work, they said on twitch it costed money to play, and i see ticket stuff
but i wonder if u buy tokens for arcade games?
probably no arcade games

I remember seeing or hearing something like this on the Trello or live stream.

Play games > Get tickets > Redeem tickets for prizes

I don’t think you’ll get units from the arcade, but I may be wrong,

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still waiting for mac to confirm

cough cough @macdguy cough

It’s not really completely planned out, but the plan as I know it was

Spend Units to play the Games
Earn Tickets from playing the Games
Redeem Tickets for Prizes you could only get from Tickets (Not Units)


you mean[quote=“MaskedKatz, post:6, topic:10887, full:true”]
cough cough @caboose700 cough

That’s not what you said ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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