How do you open CondoOS

So I got the jetpack from the store but then how do put it on?

Someone once said about “go into the condoOS” but I have NO idea what that is or where… guessing the condo, but is there like a button or something?

Hold “Q” to bring up your inventory. Simply drag the jetpack from the main area into the hotbar at the top.

CondOS looks like a tablet glued to your wall next to the entrance. Simply hit “E” on it to use it, but it sounds like you already have since you’ve got the jetpack.

I did that but there might of been a bug because when I first did all of that it didn’t put it. So I thought I did it wrong but I guess its just one for the bug report

CondoOS is currently broken in This is a known bug.

I really, really want CondoOS to be in 3D, but it seems it’s majorly broken in the current version of Unreal 4.

We may have to rethink the entire thing sadly.