Hot Fix



This card has no description.


  • Holdable Hot Dog now takes 4 bites to eat as opposed to 1
  • Minigolf - Dino Drive: Removed all friction on HIO funnels, fixing players getting stuck on HIO funnels
  • Adjusted materials on a bunch of wooden items to be more consistent
  • Light items: Rotated a bunch of light IES
  • Major art pass on Fireplace items and made them functional lights
  • Updated Chessboard item to use new pieces and only have 3 draw calls, variants, and colouring
  • Improved materials on Chandelier item

Bug Fixes

  • Minigolf - Dino Drive: Fixed a stuck spot in Bone Pit HIO
  • Minigolf - Dino Drive: Adjusted Hole 16 (Bone Vortex) to make the HIO more consistent
  • Minigolf - Dino Drive: Fixed OOB in ditch in Hole 8
  • Fixed Canvas Doormat not applying rotation on load
  • Fixed Hot Chocolate visual states being reverse (empty when full, filled when eaten)
  • Fixed IES rotation on Contemporary Wall Light
  • Fixed Bumper Post condo item not being colourable
  • Possible fix for Game World/condo disconnections

Before Ship

  • Write changelog
  • A new checklist named “Before Ship” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Bug Fixes” has been added to the card.
  • A new checklist named “Changes” has been added to the card.
  • “Minigolf - Dino Drive: Fixed a stuck spot in Bone Pit HIO” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf - Dino Drive: Adjusted Hole 16 (Bone Vortex) to make the HIO more conistent” has been un-checked on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf - Dino Drive: Adjusted Hole 16 (Bone Vortex) to make the HIO more conistent” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf - Dino Drive: Fixed OOB in ditch in Hole 8” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Possible fix for Game World/condo disconnections” has been checked off on the “Bug Fixes” checklist.
  • “Holdable Hot Dog now takes 4 bites to eat as opposed to 1” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Improved materials on Chandelier item” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Updated Chessboard item to use new pieces and only have 3 draw calls, variants, and colouring” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Major art pass on Fireplace items and made them functional lights” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Light items: Rotated a bunch of light IES” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Adjusted materials on a bunch of wooden items to be more consistent” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Minigolf - Dino Drive: Removed all friction on HIO funnels, fixing players getting stuck on HIO funnels” has been checked off on the “Changes” checklist.
  • “Write changelog” has been checked off on the “Before Ship” checklist.