This Hallway doesn’t appear in any game world that is released,and this underneath the tower.
I Can’t enter the hallway or go into the door…
What do you think it is?
the catacombs of resting forum topics and suggestions, soon to be this one
This has been there for a long time. I honestly think it will have something to do with the metal detector or for island/underwater treasure when they get to doing Ocean Expansion
It’s possible to clip into the hallway if you jetpack up from under the ground while using a tiny potion and then quickly go back to normal size.
I’m suspecting this will be used for something in the future, maybe the railroad?
Seriously just learn to use the Search function properly. Another repeated post
If it’s repeated then post the original thread in you’re message so we know what was the original.
The first time I saw it was on the easter egg thread that someone made
Why should I or anyone else have to keep posting old threads to your topics? It’s up to you to use the search function to see if there are topics already made or mentioned.
Why do people always seem so hostile when told they made a repost. Fair enough, you couldn’t find it, but then say that instead