Hi! My Static Model is STILL Broken.

I am STILL having trouble trying to submit my Static Model of my Character as a Statue. I have gone through and tried different Texture Formats again but still no prevail. The MODEL is there now, but it still does not have the proper texture.

Here is the Model In-Game. It’s all Pink and Ugly but the entire model is there. This is what it SHOULD have looked like.

Either I am doing something wrong now or the Import is still broken like the last version. Seemed to have fixed something because wow there was a lot of Red Text previously.

Cannot believe I have had trouble since mid-way through September. Poor me can’t take it anymore. I’ve been waiting for a fix since then and sure; There was a fix but it still won’t let me see my beautiful boy’s textures…

GOD Let this import issue be fixed soon.

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What is your texture named as?

The import requires your texture to be named with _diffuse at the end of it.

From the error log it needs to be named TipperTexture_diffuse.png

I also updated the guide about the texture changes here:


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My model in blender has gone purple now…

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I’m assuming it’s supposed to look like this?

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I can see him now. Thank you for fixing this issue. This time it was me. I wasn’t told about a _diffuse when I went through with a friend which is strange.