Hi console idea

hi i have an idea a console with its own games workshop integration so you buy a console like that at the toy shop or put the console there and so that you can buy modules for the console e.g. workshop module item 10000 units or something like that per module where you can then put games shared by players on it when you insert the module, the game that you created appears on the tv that you chose from the workshop that others created or a shop in the plaza where you can browse through the workshop games and see that can then buy game for units and put it on the shelf in the condo in a cupboard which then grows more and more with games and is expanded with every purchase of a workshop game

Workshop arcade games are planned: https://trello.com/c/djPT3ISk/470-arcade-workshop-machine-2d-api

I assume when they’re added you’ll be able to play them on the emulator items.