Hey. Here's my comically late introduction

So, I’ve only just realized that, after 2 and a half years, I’ve yet to make an introduction. So…hey.

It’s me. Backer, brony, otaku, and gamer. Outside of MLP and anime, I also just like cartoons in general.

So, yeah. Not really much else to say. Outside of all that, my life is fairly depressing and mundane, so I won’t go into that.

Anyway, here’s to many more awesome years of TU.


It’s never too late to introduce yourself!
Even if there’s a 99% chance everyone reading this thread has already seen you elsewhere on the forums multiple times!
Anyways, welcome to the forums!
Enjoy your stay!

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What does the man say? Let’s see.
:speaking_head: hi

hello my life is fairly depressing and mundane, welcome to the community.

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