Having Projectors play on Transparent canvas

Don’t know if some has already brought this us but I want the projector to play on to transparent canvas instead of just passing through it. Reason I wanted this was for the purpose of doing hologram concerts


I know this a really really stupid suggestion but I thought as well and post this.

I tested if it could work in item playground and it can but then again the fps issue for videos needs to be fixed as well for this to really really work.

But ya, that’s my stupid suggestion.


This sounds quite cool! Only problem is that it won’t be all that hologrammy because projectors just project 2D. (…I guess?)

Hologram concerts are 2D just looks 3D

Edit: Because of lighting, fps, position etc.

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I think this is hard to implement, but your idea is truly good.

Yeah I know its a hard thing to ask for.

I mean not even the fps issue is really fixed for the videos

I don’t really see how this would be hard to implement? Just make it so projector light does not ignore canvases, as it seems like the devs made it like this.

Nevermind, I see now, the black background has to be transformed into transparency, which could be tedious.

Just went to one of these about a little less than a week ago, what a coincidence!

Great idea though, I’d go for it. I’d have ghosts and stuff flying around in the sky, other neato things
actual anime neko-maids that answer to my voice


Pure black is already not projected by projectors (it’s physically impossible), so that’s not a problem.

It probably won’t be able to be implemented unless Epic decides to put it in. Neat idea though.


Yeah there is no TU dev who could mess with the rendering pipeline that much. It requires a good understanding of DX rendering. And imagine the nightmare of porting the same functionality to OpenGL.

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I actually wanted to do something similar, and then show it off and amaze everyone, but you kind of beat me to the punch there so whatever :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to recreate the Haunted Mansion graveyard scene in my garden, complete with the singing heads projected onto some faceless busts:

The reason why I haven’t yet is actually because that video is blocked from being played in Tower for some stupid reason, and I don’t think there’s anything that can be done about it sadly.

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