Happy Thanksgiving, Tower Uniters!

For those of you who are not American, Thanksgiving is a federal holiday we as a nation set aside to give thanks for all we have and eat a whole bunch of food. During this time, we also spend a lot of time with friends and family to show appreciation for one another.

What are you guys thankful for today? Please share anything you’d like, as well as what you plan to do today! What’re you eating?

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I’m thankful Tower Unite is going to release.

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I’m Thankful for getting my first job. (Which was last week)

I’m thankful for Americanisation of England causing big companies to do black Friday sales even though we don’t celebrate thanksgiving

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I’m thankful to be in good health and being financially secure (with help from my parents and student grants). Happy thanksgiving to all of you Americans! :smile:

…It sucks the UK doesn’t celebrate thanksgiving, I would love some turkey, :disappointed:

Not celebrating is no excuse for not wishing.

Happy thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates. :poultry_leg:

But I celebrated thanksgiving last month. What do?

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Act like you celebrated it today.


I’m curious about what you all do differently on your holiday.

Don’t we do that everyday?

We literally just eat turkey and do nothing all day.

So basically nothing different from the American one.

Damn, every country needs a Thanksgiving. One day in the world where nobody does shit.

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Black Friday has passed, so allow me to put up a quote from one of my favorite villains. “Willford”.

OOH! OOH! OOH! I can do that!

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That’s 11:59PM dark…
I like it.