Halloween 2021 Event Suggestions

It’s that time of the year again, or rather we’re nearing it. So like the previous two events, I decided to make another items suggestion list!


  • Cleaver - Head (a cleaver chopped into the player’s head, a splitting headache!)
  • Shackles - Wrist (a wrist-shackle with a broken chain, if possible one on each wrist would be great)
  • Candle - Head (a burning candle on the player’s head)
  • Flaming Eyes - Glasses (flame effects hovering over the eyes)


  • Broom - Vehicle (a hovering witch’s broom vehicle, possibly with full flight)
  • Ghost Potion - Potion (grants flight, replaces the model’s materials with the Ghost material)

Condo Items:

  • Bones - Decorative (multiple bone items such as a femur, ribcage, and pelvis)
  • Rain - FX (a cube of rain FX, preferably recolourable for blood rain)
  • Blood - FX (a placeable blood splatter Decal for player’s condos)
  • Fire - FX (please…)
  • Tentacle - Decorative (using the Eyestalk assets, a placeable tentacle! Make your very own Pit Beast!)
  • Fangs - Decorative (combine with Eyeballs to create your own custom monster!)
  • Spikes - ??? (They kill you)
  • Sacrificial Altar - Decorative (stone surface to sacrifice your friends on)


One thing that’ll become more obvious with time is how the typical Halloween theme can become stale or fully explored. To solve that, I think adding a sub-theme that changes yearly (and sometimes be revisited) would keep things fresh.
Many items added during this time would follow that theme but still be available each year. However, the Plaza would receive some new decorations that’d be seen that year.

Aliens Invade the Plaza! They’ve come to steal our Catsacks… but they got distracted by the activities.
A mothership looms over the Tower, windows around the Plaza glow green, the seagulls around the Lighthouse are little UFOs, the sky is purple, and somewhere someone is playing the Theremin.


  • Alien Glasses - Glasses (glasses with oval lenses and a green trim)
  • Bubble Helmet - Head (retro space helmet with a glass bubble design)
  • Cosmic Deely Boppers - Head (headband with wiggly planets on springs)
  • Eyeball Deely Boppers - Head (using the same physics as the above hat, this one has eyeballs!!)
  • Alien Baby - Back (carrying around a little Alien in a baby pouch)
  • Tractor Beam - Particles (a cone of light surrounds the player)
  • Slime Cube - Head (a cube of slime surrounds your head, little stars are suspended in it like aspic)


  • Ray Blaster 195X - Weapon (a retro ray gun that makes “pew pew” noises)
  • Test Tubes - Weapon / Toy (throwable test tubes with multi-coloured volatile chemicals)
  • Mothership - Pet (UFO that hovers directly above the player’s head, multiples hover above each other)

Condo Items:

  • UFO - Decorative (a placeable UFO)
  • Tractor Beam - FX / Light (a directional light with high density, similar to the Emergency Light’s beam)
  • Specimen Tube - Decorative (a big tube filled with Green liquid that you can place items inside)
  • Star Projector - FX / Light / Electronic (a projector that casts star shapes, as seen on the Party Crab)
  • Hanging Stars - Light (star-shaped lights hanging from an adjustable string, like the Heart lights)
  • Laser Beam - FX (placed down like stringlights (reaches to a Target point), colourable)
  • Test Tubes and Flasks - Decorative (test tube and other science-y containers with glowing liquids)

Here’s just some random sketches of some ideas.

If you have any other ideas, feel free to add them below!

Love these ideas!

Adding on to this, I’d love to see some more Halloween related plants. We have dead bushes which are really handy for making things like roots or custom bushes, but I would love some variants of logs to be added (like the assets you can find on the Waterhole minigold map, for instance) or even some spooky trees that have hollows in their trunks where we could place things like glowing eyes or secret doors inside.


Yesss. Spooky plants are a great area for expansion, even if you ignore monster plants! I especially like the idea of hollow trees, that would be really fun to build with (you could use a scaled one to build a cozy little hangout).
Building off your idea: a treehouse / treehouse-ready tree. I think a tree with splayed limbs and branches for a treehouse (and the same tree without a treehouse, for custom treehouses) would be really great to have in a spooky forest.


i love these concepts so much! the ghost potion sounds super cool… if that worked on workshop items it would be such a cool item !! as someone who likes this kind of sci-fi stuff i’m a huge fan of the ray blaster and test tubes ideas too!

somehow this gave me lbp flashbacks…

yearly themes for the different events would be so cool!!! i can’t think of any events for easter or christmas or whatever else but i would really love to see yearly themes for halloween! (i’m definitely biased halloween is my favorite tu event…)


LittleBigPlanet is my favourite series of all time and I took a little inspiration from the Monsters Kit when deciding on these. Thankfully this game won’t allow you to put fangs on your Hero hair to make emo bangs.

Halloween is my favourite as well, and it has more potential for themes. For the Winter events I think it’d be more broad (a giant blizzard happens and cakes the plaza in snow… so all the new items are snow related, etc)) but the Easter and Summer events are probably much smaller so they act as a time for the Devs to focus on major features.

Halloween has plenty of themes to visit: Zombies, Slasher films, Aliens, etc. Zombies are probably the next best theme since there could be plenty of references to different series’ zombies (a crab that sits on your head, cordyceps eyestalk glasses).


I bought like 20 eyestalks last year thinking they were a condo item :upside_down_face:. More fleshy things would be nice, like the pointy bois from the sides of the Hell Portal- except just a singular one so you don’t have to fight with having two of them.


This is awesome, I would love to see some of these implemented in some way.

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How about adding chains to the Strings & Ropes category? Or maybe even a cobwebs string. Could be useful as a decoration item, especially if they add variants to the Strings & Ropes category that hang with some slack rather than a straight line.


YESSS. Connectors using the stringlight FX system would be amazing and something I’ve wanted for a while! Chains and cobwebs would be amazing for a Halloween season with ordinary wires and ropes for nonseasonal. Another great one could be a vine, but maybe that’d work better as a Ladder-type item?


I’d love to see vine items for both stringlight FX and ladders! With some flowered variants as well if possible.


I love the idea of the broom vehicle, long as we’re sat on it sideways and not the traditional leg either side.
I find the side sit on a broom to be way cooler, maybe make it fancy and add a small little lantern hanging from the front too. :3


If they do that, it would be awesome if they replaced the honk sound with different pitches of cackles.


i am begging you devs… PLEASE add this broom vehicle ;;


may i also:

please devs, don’t make the items expensive like the lil’ pup…

i’m begging on my knees at this point


For something like a vehicle it makes sense (since you only need to purchase one and it’s one of the rarer types of items), but I’d prefer to not have any other expensive items besides that.

That being said, I’d hope that some of these suggested items are available year-round in Celebrations or DIY. FX items should always be available year round for builders (especially Rain and Fire).


Gives me tf2 invasion vibes


Amazing ideas!! Thank you for dedicating so much time to ideas for my favourite time of year :black_heart:


Throwable candies. Throwable candiesssss! :smiley:


omg i never thought of that… like the popcorn or shrimp items but instead it’s a bucket of candy and it has candy particles instead of shrimp/popcorn



This is so obvious how did I not think of this???