Get backer items

we’re still in a stage of bug testing though? (just like said previously) Backers just got the chance to do that sooner.

Dude that’s pretty selfish and a big screw you to the backers, also indiegogo / kick start are meant to kick start something into sustainability not give more money.
Edit1: Oh and why can’t they brag they helped support and get a good game out there.

You’re saying a crowdfunding campaign is not there to give someone money, despite that being the whole purpose of crowdfunding campaigns. Something gets kickstarted with the help of money.

This doesn’t give them bragging rights, this makes the developers obliged to show gratefulness to the backers. This was done with exclusive items.
Bragging rights are given to you through achievements. I wouldn’t call giving someone money an achievement.

soooooooooooo… we talking about the same speed? because we totally shouldn’t have it be the same speed. at all… because then it’ll feel like the backers only got a reskin version of something they could have got for free.

Well the backers legit bought the right to brag. They have a sign next to their name basically saying “Yes I loved gmod tower, and can’t wait to see what these guys can bring to the table without being limited by source engine. I will take out some of my own money, and help them make the game possible, for them, and for everyone else who likes gmod tower.”

Hell, there are backers who forgot to put up their name and couldn’t be put on the golden brick, and regret it, but there isn’t any way for them to get their names on a brick anymore.

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It wouldn’t be the same speed.


Awwwww :frowning: