General Thread - Hide/Edit Options for prebuilt Condo Features

Hi, I had this in mind for a while and another suggestion thread reminded me of this, so I decided to make it a thread in general.
There are a lot of features that the prebuilt condos have, that still can’t be hidden or edited, as a broad example:

  • Most Doors can be edited and hidden, but some of their frames cannot be edited nor hidden, I often want to use different door frames but can’t really resize them to match most of the time. (Same with most windows). Generally this is an issue with the older condos.
  • Light Fixtures and switches, you can’t hide most of them.

More specific examples, related to built in furniture:

  • This protruding wall with the kitchen lights and counters can’t be hidden
  • This rock arch can’t be hidden, sometimes you’d like the flat space in the beach for something else



That’s all I can remember right now, I’m sure other builders can chime in and throw in more of this sort of stuff.
If this thread is in the wrong forum category, please move it to a more appropriate one, thanks. :pray:

I would personally really love ALL elements of the default Condo bathroom to be editable and possible to hide, though I do also definitely agree with the other suggestions as well. The default Condos need more customization options, way more than what they already offer, mostly because I highly prefer them to many of the custom ones - I suppose I am just a guy preferring some original stuff in games, depending on what it is but still. So yeah, in general, if we could edit or hide most things in said default Condos, older or not, it would be nice - Always more creativity that one could have with that.

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