I have found a bug with tower unite resulting in the game failing to install under Linux. Different Linux versions have been tried on different drives. [Ubuntu, Debian, and arch] All of the exhibit the same behavior. The game runs fine under Windows.
Upon trying to install the game it finishes in under 2 seconds and only installs the following files in the install directory.
tree ‘Tower Unite’
Tower Unite
├── EmptySteamDepot
└── Tower
└── ClientPlayerData2
├── HotBar.dat
├── shared.dat
└── Wearables.dat
3 directories, 3 files
Attempting to start the game gives the following error.
An error occurred while updating Tower Unite (missing executable):
/home/david/.local/share/steamapps/common/Tower Unite/Tower/Binaries/Linux/Tower-Linux-Shipping
Here is a video demo of what happens during the install process.
Attempting to validate game cache says that all files successfully validated.
The result is repeatable under clean installs of Debian and Ubuntu. I have tested installing to diffrent directory paths and different mounted hard drives and solid state disks. As this is linux there is no antivirus to get in the way and i do not utilize selinux on my personal work stations.