Gambling AFK Popup

The Problem

Typing is not recognised as activity when gambling

Why this is a problem

The afk popup can interupt typing and instantly kick you off if you dont notice quickly enough

How this affected me

I was typing ingame to a friend on a 250k jackpot wheel of money i have spent four hours on and as i was typing the popup appeared. Since i was typing i hit the wrong button too many times and was sent to the subway. By the time i was back i lost the machine and any chance of getting the jackpot, because i was typing


A - Make the coding for the popup recognise typing as an active action

B - Delay the popup until the user has stopped typing

C - Have a brief, five second period before the user has to input the key

D - Use another method of verification to identify if the user is AFK, like
getting them to draw a variety of shapes with the mouse IE: Square,
Triangle, Circle

Hopefully this is enough info to do something about it, thank you :slight_smile:

I agree that something needs to be improved, but I would like to politely disagree with your suggested solutions.

A - I believe this was the case until people started abusing it, hogging the machine as “AFK” for hours when they are away.

B - Can be abused like A.

C - This could really annoy legitimate players. Casino machines are already punishing the players by being extremely boring for hours. This adds to that insult.

D - Again, innocent players already hurt their fingers spamming “space”. This makes their lives worse. Mouse could easily be already moving when the popup shows up. Accidentally failing to draw shapes can happen just like the problem we have now. While using slot machines, people look around, use scoreboard to check on other players, etc.

A better solution might be requiring to type a sequence of keys (visually moving like the current one) that aren’t used for typing.

e.g. [F2] [F4] [F6] [F12] [F3] keys moving around visually on screen to prevent OCR bots

Both A and B could be abused by macro users to just hog a machine indefinitely

D is also incredibly insulting to innocent laptop players. Seriously have you tried drawing with a touch pad?


Why not just make them type three words like the typing game in the plaza?


In my opinion the best way to fix this would be a two phase pop up. first part would be a 5 or 10 second window that asks if you are still there that only goes away after it expires or you click yes. Second part would be the default press this button.

It would allow you to stop typing, but still have the full functionality of this afk macro check.

Having a brief five second wait before inputing the key is better than missing it and being sent to the subway where you then lose your machine aswell

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That would still kick you off if you did not notice

Yes, but the solution isn’t perfect which is why proposed a better one that you have no chance of failing accidentally.

I’m getting this issue too and it’s really frustrating. I’m in the casino typing a message in chat while things are spinning and I suddenly get kicked for pressing the wrong button in the AFK checker, frozen, stripped of accessories, and put back in the train station.

Please consider adding a brief delay to the AFK key input. or even make it so if the chat box is open you have to close it before the AFK checker accepts input.

I just got this again and ragequit the game. I don’t remember this being such an issue before, did something change with the AFK system to make it more frequent?