Free Game: Metro 2033

Welcome to Russia! The year is 2033, the apocalypse has struck, and now the only safe havens are underground. If you’re looking for an atmospheric FPS, then apparently Metro 2033 is a good grab. It’s also currently available for free on Steam, so that’s a pretty good deal.


Free for 24 hours, not to keep though. But I’ve heard good things about Metro

I believe it’s free to keep if you register it in 24 hours.

I could be wrong though ¯\(ツ)

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Now that I reread this
You might actually be right. I’ll give it a try.

it is free, you keep it forever


There we go. Just had to search for it

Thanks, I’ve never played any of the Metro games before, and the games seemed way too intimidating for me to try them.


Hey, thanks for this BTW. I picked the game up on a free weekend and I am still able to play it (for free) after they stopped giving it away for free. I also acquired Payday 2 and Saints Row 2 this way.