Font color for text hats

I feel like everyone would use this, and it’d be a nice visual destinction from the text that hovers over NPCs.

Also, I just like expressing my favorite color wherever applicable.

what about fonts in general

I’m sure people would like that too, but there’s already a bunch of features in this game around changing colors, but nothing off the top of my head about changing fonts, so I figure it’d be easy.

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comic sans text hat

comic sans text hat


i hate it

i love it

With how many items you can change the color of in TU, I also wondered why you couldn’t change the colors of hats and other accessories.
More flair for the text hat is a great idea though tbh.

The text hat in general felt a bit underwhelming to me. I feel like in GMT you could change the font color, but it’s been quite a while I could be mistaken. Doesn’t help that the playermodels I use generally don’t mesh well with it, wish I could raise it a bit.