Fix the fixed machines!

Please fix the Wheel of Money machines. If I’m typing in chat when the keypress comes up the keypress WILL NOT accept the key and will ultimately kick me out. Also the controlls will randomly lock sometimes. Oh and fatal errors. Funny thing is that these bugs usually happen when I get a spin. Its bad enough that most players think the Wheel of Money is rigged, bugs like this really don’t help. And if you’re going to impliment an anti-cheat function like the keypress please make it 100% bug free, you’re essentially punishing legit players for the actions of the cheaters.

This bug just started happening recently. We’re looking into it.

Also, the machine is not rigged. You can win it, it’s just a very low chance.


Also I should probably mention that I saw a player posting a link to a new auto-key program in chat that also works with the keypress. Not sure how it works nor do I plan on touching such links. Figured I should mention it since he was asking other players to help share the link too.

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