I’m working on an app now that only uses multiple answers and want to be able to see how many questions there is in a category if their request fails. So they know how many they can get. The only way to see how many questions there is in each category is
But there is no option to get for a specific type, so the only way to get that is just ask for all, keep track on how many you have downloaded and then after that and manually delete all &type=boolean and then give them how many they asked for.
Would love to see an option for the api to allow this request
So my intended use case would be if the user asks for 30 questions, the api says there isn’t that many questions in that category, I want a button that could instead just fetch all that exists.
Another solution would have been if the API did this automatically and returned the all questions if the amount in the request is more than what exists.
{ 1, “No Results Could not return results.The API doesn’t have enough questions for your query. (Ex. Asking for 50 Questions in a Category that only has 20.” },
{ 4, “Token Empty Session Token has returned all possible questions for the specified query.Resetting the Token is necessary.” },