Extra Coin River Gamemodes


Coin River can be a lot of mindless fun… but rather boring at times. That, and I think it might’ve got nerfed, so the crazy-big payouts like 5K, 8K, and so on, aren’t really feasible anymore. I love the coin river, but I can understand why some people aren’t really crazy about it. Hopefully this table on potential gamemodes can make it at least a little bit less button-mashy.

Potential Mode Layout

Gamemode Description
Normal Coin River as it is now, limited spawns and all. Let’s consider it the baseline.
Gold Rush A lot more Treasure Chests and Gold Bars, as well as old spawning behavior, but you only get half the shots.
Gold Drought Coins ONLY spawn, and gold coins don’t spawn naturally. However, you get double the shots, and RIVER lets you fire gold coins at a much faster rate. Post-coin countdown potentially doubled as well.
Super Shooter This one would cost 120 tokens to play, but you’d be able to control the coin shooter for a solid 60 seconds. Chests and Bars spawn like normal, but with old spawning logic.