Estimating the cost of the Pile of Actual Gold item you win in Spin to Win

There’s a way to get actual meter length of objects. A wooden wall is 3 meters in length, so using scale to measure it you can get a much more accurate measurement of the gold bars. You can measure any object by standing at its two sides and using “Find Items” on it to find distance. Once you stand at both sides add the two sides together to get absolute length. Also I believe it is always 0.01 meters less than it actually is.
I used this method to measure someone’s tower up to the tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa. It was taller. I also used this method to measure the size of smooth dirt’s skybox, in this thread.

Also, your USD amount for the gold bars can kind of be converted to units.
Using my (albiet not that accurate) mug conversion method
(“Using the coffee mug as a base, a cheap plain white coffee mug is like $1.29, and it costs 50 units ingame, so that means the conversion for units to dollars is Dollars * 38.7596899 = Units or Units / 38.7596899 = Dollars. (That mean’s people with one million units have $25,800 in equivalent dollars)”)
as quoted from my thread linked above, your USD can be converted to 3,415,714,340 units.
I don’t think anyone even has three billion units. So… damn.

I’ll go ahead and measure them for you if i can
As accurately as i could, my measurements are:

In an image for reference as to which side I mean. No idea of the height.

Credit to Umbra for letting me use his gold bar and standing in exact spots and using find item.

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