Draw it!

Hey guys,

I would like to suggest a minigame like “draw it!”
The one who’s drawing becomes three or two words as suggestions and has to pick one of these. Then he has to draw it and the other ones have to guess what he’s drawing and typing it in a chat. If your guess is right, you will immediately get a feedback if your guess was the right one or not. The others who have not a guess have still some seconds time to get on it. After the round the right answer will be released and another player has it’s turn. I think everybody of you knows how draw it works. :smiley:

I think this would be a good one and fits in the Tower Unite section. It would be really fun.

What are your thoughts about it?

If this was a thing…
i know what i would drawn…

i feel like thats one of the few issues with this, unless parental controls restrict you from playing this, then its gonna be really hard or impossible to make this work with the parental controls.
but yeah i guess this could be cool.

Yup, you are right. :smiley:
But maybe they can find a solution. A mod team would be really… well annoying. :smiley:

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If we ever get a whiteboard item or something for condos, I could see this being something to play with friends privately. That way we don’t need to worry about moderation either


well yes cool idea but not in arcade, maybe in a new room maybe “playroom” you can do play games like these or board games too