Dolphin Morph Suggestions[including suggestion for other morphs as well]

so after getting the dolphin morph, i figured why not suggest some things to add on to it. feel free to leave suggestions as well cause i’m sure folks also have some nice idea’s for the morph.

Suggestion 1: more sounds!, as you know dolphins make all sorts of sounds. so i figured, why not add some more sounds to break up the 1 sound we have access to now.

Suggestion 2: hats!, what if we were allowed to at least keep our hats when using the morph. now some hats wouldn’t really work due to them being for a human head, but some will work though. i will be leaving the other accessories out of the suggestion due to the fact they most likely wouldn’t work unless they were altered to fit the morph.

Suggestion 3: Skin[s]!, so after a bit of playing i remembered there’s the sea pet shop and she’s a ancient dolphin, what if we could change our morph into the ancient dolphin[like how for the LC knight pressing r changes the skin to the 4 knights]. more could be added of course but as it stands the only other dolphin variant is the ancient dolphin.

Suggestion 4: emotes!, i was a bit sadden to find out the dolphin didn’t have access to any emotes. so i thought “well its understandable as none of the normal emotes would work”, then it got me thinking. dolphins do tricks, so maybe some[within the bounds of a emote of course] could be added.

Emote 1 - the ball trick - the ball trick is most likely one of the tricks out there that a lot of dolphins do, due to this its most likely one of the easiest tricks in the book for dolphins and on top of that, it doesn’t exactly seem to hard to animated as it doesn’t need to be all fancy[but i wont pretend i know game development, so i shouldn’t assume it’d be easy].

Emote 2 - laying on a ball - i’m not really sure what this trick is actually called, but as shown in the picture the dolphin sits on the ball.

Emote 3 - wiggle/dance - don’t really need a picture to explain this, basically a emote that has the dolphin wiggle/dance.

that’s all i could think of currently, but if i think of anything more i’ll be sure to update it. also if you have a suggestion, feel free to leave a comment. i’d love to hear other suggestions people have.

edit: as ScienceBird said perhaps all morphs could be expanded upon to make them more unique.

ScienceBird: "I want to add on to this that morphs in general should have more emotes, sounds, or interesting features.

With workshop player models, you can become whatever you want. Morphs are special in that they’re for Tower Unite models (Which you can’t get through the workshop), but they still feel about the same as any old player model you could get for free. It’d be fun to see more interesting traits for morphs beyond just looking like whatever model."

I want to add on to this that morphs in general should have more emotes, sounds, or interesting features.

With workshop player models, you can become whatever you want. Morphs are special in that they’re for Tower Unite models (Which you can’t get through the workshop), but they still feel about the same as any old player model you could get for free. It’d be fun to see more interesting traits for morphs beyond just looking like whatever model.


i agree, i hope all morphs get this kind of treatment. they should be more unique so they are worth more to earn, that way you have even more of a reason to go for them.

edit: i believe currently the only morph that has emotes in the LC knight since there is two emotes in LC for knights, the salute and the barons salute.