DJHellray's Mega Suggestion thread

Hey guys! DJHellray here so i decided a list of allot of things i would really love to get in the game so i hope you guys enjoy my ideas :slight_smile: if they add one of my ideas ill just remove them from my list. so here goes! (i’m not gonna say more hats clothes or types of materials for walls cause its already in their minds)

For the Condo :

  • Playable pool for your condo
  • Playable chess for your condo
  • ping pong for condo
  • playable boxing ring
  • buyable casino machine for condo
  • tic tac toe for condo
  • uno cards for condo
  • ultraviolet light
  • stroboscopes
  • working subwoofer
  • dart game for condo
  • playable table hockey
  • disco balls of various sizes
  • pool slides for condo
  • any card game (black jack, texas hold em etc) for condo
  • more music instruments (ex: harp, violin, guitar and more)
  • international radiostation working with radio
  • boomboxes
  • console furniture
  • mansion 500k$
  • castle 1-2$ mil
  • bring back the beer kegs and drunkness
  • Diffrent types alcohol bottles
  • stripper pole
  • Friends permissions in condo (ex. longer videos and building)
  • Buyable pool that you can scale it to your liking
  • guns for show
  • working light switches and such
  • breakable objects that can respawn after a certain time

For Building :

  • make the outside lamps brighter
  • buyable special textures for walls etc. (ex: 5000$ gold texture)
  • texturable buyable walls
  • changable default doors in condos
  • ramps
  • special canvas that play gifs like those playable portaits
  • sizable furniture to make em small or giant
  • ladders of various sizes
  • windows
  • materials for stairs
  • canvas materials for walls
  • canvas materials for furniture
  • other trash cans
  • laying in beds/ hammocks

For tv and such :

  • Spotify link to all medias
  • have flash player enabled for the media
  • twitch integration for media

For appearance :

  • canvas clothes
  • materials for clothes
  • colorable hats, canvas hats
  • facial hair
  • diffrent type of shoes
  • a fps hand that actually represents you character

For Casino :

  • bingo for the casino
  • more variety for the 500$ wheel
  • a new type of casino machine
  • Roulette table for casino
  • Dart game for casino
  • remove the afk button, reduce it significatly OR make it not trigger when we talk on the mic or message people

Equippables :

  • more pets
  • emotes and interactions (ex: dancing, crying, waving hello…)
  • new types of usables (ex: weapons like bubble gun)
  • throwable items (ex: snowballs…)
  • able to throw real units and decide the amount by “bill” you throw

Other details

  • real estate buying to make money over time (for people with allot of money)
  • Overall detail (ex: amount of money spent, money won at the casino, money lost, playtime and more)
  • a setting where when you close the chat box the message you were writing gets erased
  • pet battles

If you guys have any more cool ideas let me know ill add it to the thread! :slight_smile:

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i feel like 90% of these have already been suggested


“Canvas clothes” NO. That sounds like a cool idea, but then someone will inevitably put R34 or whatever on their clothes.


they can make an algorything that makes it so it blocks nudity for the clothes

You can put R34 on any canvas item, so that’s not an argument.
The thing is just that canvas clothes would be impossible to do properly, and would just be a bit silly.

that’s way too expensive. I don’t know how much the house costs, 100k I think, but I doubt anyone will be willing to spend 1-2mil on a condo layout like that.

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An algorithm like that would never work 100%. We could block some popular R34 sites from being used on canvases to reduce the probability, but we will never be able to completely prevent it.

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Sorry but

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^I wanted to post what Patryk did from the start but was too nice lol. The discussion gets way too spread out for them to feel up the community :sweat_smile:

That being said, canvas clothing is a good idea, though it would be a huge issue in official servers. Maybe have an approval process, or just a “custom content” toggle in options that’s off by default.

I could also see several people spending 1-2 million units on a castle. Though I think it would be more awesome to have neighborhoods that you can buy for that sort of money instead that you can parcel off to your friends that are broke lol

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Item suggestions go here:

Condo Suggestions go here:

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im gonna keep this up and categorise them thats it. its my personal list if the devs just wont look at it its their loss.

Canvases so far are limited to ones Condo and connected to Parental Controls of it. You won’t be able to wear them on public family friendly servers like this and would probably have to have a separate player model for that. Also Canvases so far have the geometric complexity of Minecraft player models as they’re not 3D meshes customized for the images. I’m not sure what some people imagine but it might turn out to look (the bad kind of) silly.

If your goal is seeing these suggestions added, how exactly is it more useful to use your own categorization instead of the existing categorization by the people you suggest these things to in their etablished forums you’re guest in?

If you had used the search function, you’d know that at least some of them have been suggested before so they’re definitely not your original content. Also this doesn’t really support this thread being intended to be limited to your own ideas:


This implies the developers like your ideas. You don’t know that yet and if they don’t read them, that’s just like countless players who just tell their friends “Whouldn’t it be great if…” but never communicate this to the developers. It might not lead to a gain in the pool of ideas they receive but it’s not a loss.

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Only one suggestion per thread. Also a lot of these things have already been suggested.

If you want to keep this thread, it should be moved to off topic as it is not meeting the requiremenets for the suggestion category.

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