[Discord] Trello Webhook

I was messing around stuff to make a webhook working on my own discord, with the goal to suggest the same thing to be made by devs for Tower Unite’s great discord server.

Why this? I see we can sometimes have some dev pics preview on their work in both discord AND forums ([56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek).
Trello is also a very interesting thing and fun tool to get really organized.
But Tower Unite’s Trello only shows off activity into the forums only, maybe some people are just active on discord, that is why i’m suggesting this.

Here’s a sample screenshot of how it looks like into discord (Personnal Trello and Discord)

Feedback is appreciated, thank you. :blush:

It’s something that’s been talked about before, and maybe if there’s enough interest it could be implemented, but originally we wanted to reduce the amount of message spam in the Discord.


Thanks for the answer.

This webhook can let you choose what could be posted into Discord depending the actions on the Trello.
Like, it can just post be when a card has been added/moved into a list, or only when a checkbox has been marked completed, ect…
Every Trello features gets their own toggle.

In my tests I had everything setup by default, no matter what i’m doing on my Trello, that’s logged to my Discord, and i don’t recommend having every actions to be logged but just somes of them.

If i would keep it simple such as minimum spam if i can say, i’d select few actions to be logged such as:

Adding a picture to a card
Moving a card to a list
Creating a new card

That is just my point of view, nothing else.

Just make a separate channel for it and so, if someone doesn’t want those updates, they can mute that channel.