Decommission - Layout improvements

Was running around through Decommission, and found some areas that could use some minor tweaks to improve gameplay.

Mixing area: Could be given a glass top that players can walk on, as they can already walk on the support arms and the rim. Allows players to easily jump between the middle catwalk and the side catwalk rather than having to walk all the way around or having to precisely platform on top of the thin handrails or support arms.

Raised walkway: Players can easily double jump up onto the raised walkway, but the blue pipes only let them drop down directly next to the platform. Removing the pipes would fix this.

Wooden catwalk: Easy to get to after jumping onto the toxic material holder(?) in front of it, but the concrete beam and pillar make it a less useful spot than it could be. Currently can jump from the wooden catwalk to the catwalk to the left, but would also be nice if you could use it to jump over to the side catwalk as well.

This blue pipe could also probably be removed, since it seems like you could jump from the gas tanks to the first boiler, then to the second boiler (perhaps to the middle catwalk), but it’s in the way and makes it hard to climb onto the boiler in the first place. The collision on both the boiler models also makes it much harder to climb on top of them than it should be.