Simple: for example when it’s nighttime the lights turn on or a thing happens
Would also be cool to see the ability to make the day/night cycles longer or shorter due to IO being implemented (if ever)
Also the ability to RTC to the host’s time in the condo.
Okay suggestion done.
suggests for the host to be able to change what the moon looks like, like a giant cookie
Feels like something that should have had been a part of the first I/O stuff update, so definitely gets an vote from me.
A little tidbit: north isn’t really even north in this game if you follow the sun in the in-game sky
0,0,0 rotation is facing south (at least in smooth dirt and default), so if you want things to face north you need to rotate things on the Z axis like -180 degrees. When you spawn into smooth dirt you face the SUNRISE. It most likely is an artistic choice since I’m not a gamedev.
Zero rotation faces south, -180 faces north (tested in default condo and smooth dirt)
In House the sun is coming from another angle, and north is now 90 degrees.
I learned this by moving the time of day slider. Not sure if this matters to anyone or if theres a reason things are like this, but eh. Might help somewhat. I like how in house there already is UE4 IO for the street lights and switches turning on and off when I slide the day/night slider.
We have sun angles but it doesn’t dictate that the sun moves from east to west, just how high the sun is on one side of the map or the other. Imagine custom sunrise/sunset angles
ah who am I kidding