Dark Souls Summon Signs and Messages

Summon Signs and Messages from “Dark Souls”

How I Did It:
I took the texture’s from a Dark Souls 1 mod called “HD Painted Soapstone Signs” by RethenSilverFox. Credit goes to them for making the textures. I touched them up in GIMP and combined them into presentable images for a TU canvas. (The original texture file layers are separated in Dark Souls, such as the black text texture being separate from the border glow texture.)

Standard Message:

Standard Soapstone Summon Sign:

Colorable Soapstone Summon Sign:

The Result:
This is how they look in-game. Make them look good by setting their glow to 1.0, then placing a placeable light above it with a matching color, and with the “Candle” function enabled.

Also, using canvas comments, you can make the messages actually, well, readable!

EDIT 1: Fixed faint black square around message sign.
EDIT 2: Ok for some reason the forums turned them into JPEGs. Fixed and are now PNGs


Amazing Catsack ahead.

Fine work , skeleton!