Dark - Make Hole 6 less confusing

I have my gripes about Dark basically being a guessing game for players new to the map, but there’s a specific spot on Hole 6 that a couple players and I found confusing:

This is how things look before the ramp. The intentional route (going straight) is pitch black and seems out of bounds. This confusion is multiplied by the fact that going full power on the first shot doesn’t launch you across to the other side, but instead just places you in this location where the unintended shot is possible, or just drops you back at the start or OoB.

Additionally, when you do take the unintended route, it initially does seem intentional until you reach the other end of the U and realize there’s no actual route on the other side.

Solving this would be possible in a number of ways:

  1. Just illuminate the entirety of the U (easiest solution, preserves shortcut)

  2. Add a booster that propels the ball to the other side on the first shot (more elegant and straightforward)

  3. Add some indicator that tells you to shoot straight (straightforward, but detracts from the aesthetic)

Have yet to actually play Dark but yeah, that looks super misleading just from the screenshot alone. I definitely would’ve immediately gone the unintended way with no hesitation because it does absolutely look like the intended path. Gonna have to remember this.

Honestly I didnt even think about this, makes perfect sense now that you pointed it out. Ill make some changes


Another piece of feedback I have for Dark is that the sparkle effect cuts through a lot of the enviroment and makes it hard to navigate

I still think Dark should be removed until the back 9 is ready, I rarely see people play Dark as it is.