Daily Objectives / Daily 'Missions'

I LOVE hunting for achievements in games, and Tower Unite is no different. Sometimes, you can run out of achievements you feel like completing. Sometimes you want a bit more Units.

I would love to see a ‘weekly objectives’ type system, where an objective, chosen randomly from a list, is given to either every player or a different one for each player.

Every week or day you get a new one. Once you complete them, you’d get a small reward.

I think this could engage players in enjoying more activities or have an extra oppritunity to get a bit more reward for having fun.


Why not :smiley:

I would really like this system. It sounds similar to the GTA V daily missions.

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This idea has been suggested in a couple different forms since Alpha, and I can’t find the thread regarding it atm, but I say no. TU/GMT, to me, has always been about doing whatever you want. It’s not about hopping on, filling some quota, then leaving. I would rather an activity be empty because genuinely no one likes it rather than have it be popular due to artificial inflation.


Please, don’t creep MMO into Tower Unite.

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I’m down for this kind of system if the tasks/objectives don’t take away from the game. I mean, even if the tasks were as simple as ‘Play Minigolf on Garden with 8 others’ or ‘Visit your friend’s condo today!’ for some units, that would be cool. I don’t want stuff like ‘Infect 4 people within 5 seconds of each other’ as that would just encourage boosting and it will turn people toxic when they join every lobby possible, asking for it to be boosted.

Sounds like a good idea.

Love the concept! give the game more of a fun spice

Even though this kinda reminds me of RPG games, it’s still a good idea, incase you want an alternative of earning units than playing gameworlds. They are also fully optional anyway, should be.

If these are implemented, then maybe players who don’t really enjoy the game itself that much will come on every now and again, and might decide to stay a little longer. For the active players, it will add more excitement to logging in each day.

The Idea about daily objectives sounds good, can promote people to join low-populated gamemodes or content

I’m totally up with this idea :slight_smile:

The people, however, demand that the weekly missions by hidden in a way. Well, that should not be a problems, probably have some NPC giving out the weekly missions.

Like I said on this similar thread, I’m not a big fan of this stuff. It ends up just having a bunch of players in one area to get their bonus.

Solution is : Randomize the Tasks!
That way you don’t get crowded areas because of players getting tasks!
They make a list of random different tasks like “Beat This level in under ?? Seconds!”
“Survive in Virus for more than ?? Seconds/Minutes” You know? and they could just randomize the numbers with a ratio so they could have a random time as well!